Thursday 29 November 2012

…On turning 29…

*Written on 27th November 2012

Happy birthday to me!

Oh em gee! I’m celebrating my last twenties number! Dulu-dulu, kalau dengar orang  berumur 29 tahun, impression yang timbul mesti, “Oh, tua dah!” Tiba-tiba sekelip mata aku berada di angka itu. Tua ke? Honestly, I don’t feel like I’ve grown one bit (literally), apatah lagi menjadi tua. Ceewaahhh… Masih rasa sweet 17 lagi.

Pencapaian di usia 29? Married, check. Kids, check, check. Career… er well, I do have regular freelance translation job. So yeah, check. Happy, Alhamdulillah. It has its ups and downs, but that’s life, so check.

This birthday is different, because I’m celebrating it exclusively with my husband and kids, in Langkawi. As I’m typing right now, all 3 of them are snoring away, enjoying the comfy bed and the luxury of aircond. Well, it is 6.45 in the morning. Why am I up? I’ve had sleep overdose, went to sleep before 11 last night and having had almost 8 hours of sleep. Tak biasa! Hahahha.

Bukanlah selama ni pun birthday aku special tara mana. Very quiet, hardly ever celebrate it anymore sejak sekolah menengah berakhir. Dapat pulak boyfriend (yang kemudiannya menjadi suami) yang tak pandai bab-bab meraikan isteri ni. Layankan aje. Lagi-lagi dah beranak-pinak ni, birthday tak birthday, berak anak masih perlu dibasuh. Hahah.

Since aku dan husband berkongsi social network accounts, dan ia didaftar di atas nama dia dengan details peribadi dia, birthday aku juga tidak diketahui ramai. Tapi itulah specialnya, ye tak? I get to know who REALLY remembers without needing FB reminders and notification. Aku sendiri dah berhenti wish orang happy birthday sekarang, boleh tak? Sejak ada Frienster, Facebook semua ni. It has spoiled the fun. Ramai orang wish, yes, but nobody really cares.

I am cursed with good memory. I can remember many, many, many people’s birthdays. Tapi Facebook membuatkan kuasa luar biasa aku tenggelam. Jadi kini aku hanya wish birthday kepada really close friends and family members, serta mereka yang tidak publish birthday mereka di Facebook. Kerek tak? So I expect the same from others.

Anyways… Twenty-nine. Masa berada di puncak zaman remaja dulu, 29 tu nampak jauhnyeeeeeee…. 29 year old women memberikan bayangan seorang wanita yang matang, serius, sangat wise buah fikirannya, experienced. Am I all of that? Do younger people view me that way? Because I surely don’t feel that way about myself.

Azam tahun ini:

  • Be a better mother. Seriously aku nak kurangkan marah-marah. Kena belajar tingkatkan sabar, banyakkan ilmu psikologi.
  • Be healthier. I am, to be honest, at the heaviest weight I’ve ever been outside pregnancy. I need to exercise!
  • Travel. I want to see the world. Therefore I need to work more, get more money.
  • Be a better muslim, insyallah. Misi utama sekarang ialah untuk buat haji. Targetnya untuk pergi dalam beberapa tahun terdekat. As soon as duit cukup and the kids are big enough untuk ditinggalkan selama 2 bulan.

Insyallah. Semoga usia ini lebih diberkati. Semoga aku dan keluarga aku sentiasa dirahmati. Semoga hidup dan matiku dalam iman. Aminnn.

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